Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Glad that it's you

You said, "A', gw kayaknya sering ngecewain elo yah?"

I said "Just a little. I know you have a very good reason for it. That's really fine."

In my heart, I said "Yes, you disappointed me quite often. But if there's someone who can disappoint me, I'm glad that it's you." (",)

You're always the drummer with constant beat for me,
while I, still the odd-beat, off-tone, bass player


Anonymous said...

wah..hebat..!! :p

Ronn said...

nyindir yah? huh...

Anonymous said...

ha..? siapa yang nyindir..? nyindir apaan ? :p

TJ said...

hey, ron.. seperti tulisan gw yg judulnya 'thank you'. walau gimanapun, kan tetep pernah bikin ketawa juga..

Ronn said...

imgar: hahaha... emang gw lagi sensitif nih :P

TJ: yeap, gw inget banget tuh postingan lo yang itu