Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I'm older than you think

Arunee Porntraisak - PATA Events Manager (AP): "I notice that you are in charge in this event for one full week, from morning to evening."
Me: "I am."
AP: "So, how's your study? Do you skip classes for this event?"
Me: "What do you mean Arunee?"
AP: "You're recruited from local college students just like the rest of the guys, rite?" *nods her head to Jony, Yurike, Oik, et al*

Me: "Hahaha... No I'm not. I'm from the PC head office in Jakarta. I work there. Do i really look that young? Haha.. Glad to hear that."
AP: "Seriously?!?"
Me: "I'm serious! I'm 27 now!"
AP: "Gosh, all this time I thought you're not older than 20yo!"
Me: "Bwahahaha, I wish!" *blushed*


Yuki Tobing said...

heheh, to be honest, I didn't know that you were already 27..
bagus ronn, semangat mudanya jalan trusss... lumayan, awet muda jadinya.

indah said...

ehem ehem...
cieeeeeeh yang awet muda...
btw ron, Met Lebaran yaaaa...Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin yaaaa :)

Ronn said...

Yuki: Wah... lo ngiranya gw berapa?!?!?!

Fiki: Iya nih fik, kalah ama lo... abis gw gak miara kumis sih, hihihi. Met lebaran juga yah...

Yuki Tobing said...

heheh, gw kirain, paling nggak yah 23an..

btw, met lebaran yak, maap kalo gw ada salah

imgar said...

hihi..padahal elu udah punya dua anak kan, Ronn ?? :D

Darkpuccinoâ„¢ said...

ga nyangka! gmn sih bung cara menghemat wajah? haha...

Ronn said...


Imgar: Udah mo tiga kang *silet2 imgar lagi*

Mr. Cappuccino: cuci muka 3 kali seminggu pake aer rendeman kolor... niscaya mukanya bluwek.

v1rzh4 said...

awet muda niyeeeee....

Ronn said...

gw gitu loh.... hahaha

Anonymous said...

I should have know you have ME on there!
The real AP!!!

Ronn said...

ARUNEEE!!!!!!!!!! Miss you and your friends too!

Why dont you come to Bali this December? ;)