(Not so) Mysterious Guy

Struggling Writer. Although he works in a big time organizer today, he still wishes to continue writing and back to magazine as he was before. One of his ambitions is to be a big time editor in a big time magazine.
Diplomat Wannabe. Since childhood, he has always dreamt of becoming a diplomat — be a herald of peace, be an agent of international cooperation, be an active player in improving the overall condition of humanity, and yeah, travel the world and get paid for it.
Trying to be Religious. He grew up in a liberal society. His parents raised him as a very faithful Moslem. He is still very faithful. But maybe not as much as everybody else. Don’t get him wrong, he’s trying hard each and everyday. He loves his God so much and he has his own ways of expressing. Whatever his ways are, he believes they’re right.
Chilimaniac. Ever since he was a kid, he has always been familiar with hot and spicy food. His dad was from
Hopeless Romantic. He is in love with the very concept of love. To him, it is one of the most important things in this world. He believes that love knows no age, race or gender. Love can exist between people whatever the pairing is.
Even Steven. Equality is essential to him. Although he believes that nothing in this life is fair, he thinks that things can always be equal. Thus, he abhors racism. He spits on elitists. He tramples on narrow-minded people. He hates prejudices and stereotypes.
Fickle. He changes his mind like Titi Dj changes her husband. Err… more like Madonna changes her image.
Indecisive. Indecisiveness is his greatest weakness. This is because he doesn’t like regretting about a lot of things. He makes sure he makes the wisest decisions and weighs every factor. But along the way, he gets confused and gets lost in thought.
Impulsive. Regarding things that don’t require much thinking, sometimes he doesn’t think at all. He walks around in a mall, finds something pretty, buys it right away, and realizes it’s useless. He wakes up, decides he wants to go somewhere, takes the bus to that place, and realizes it’s useless. He meets persons, finds them attractive, kiss them after an hour, and realizes they are useless. (Don’t believe this part. Ha-ha.)
Environmentalist. He respects nature as much as he respects himself.
Ranidaphobic. He is abnormally afraid of frogs — any kind, any color, and any size of frogs. He dreads the sight of frogs.
Claustrophobic. He is also abnormally feared of being in narrow or enclosed spaces. Once he put in that situation, his heart starts to beat faster, his sweat is coming from every surface of his skin, his vision gets blurred and he becomes very panic.
Travel Freak. He is a well-traveled person who appreciates every culture and people. But he has only seen the different parts of his own country. He wishes to go beyond the Indonesian borders soon.
Coffee Addict. Brewed, decaf, or instant coffee — he doesn’t really care. But his very favorite is Caramel Macchiato.
Entertainment Enthusiast. He is madly in love with films. He makes sure he gets to watch at least four movies a week.. He also loves watching music performance, listening to great collection of music, and singing in a karaoke room.
ha..umur lu udah mo 27..?
tua bangedd ya..? hihihi...
He is YOU I bet...He has good personality I guess...
Alah belon pas 27 kan im?
masi ada 1 bulan kurang lagi...
1 lg yg kurang ttg lu...
teh hijau freak...
masi kan?
Imgar: eh... coba ingetin gw lagi umur lo berapa kang? hehehehe
ZD: Grazie....!! ;)
Pandu: eh iyah, tau aja lo... masih kok :D
dikaw sekaleee nampaknya :) ini bener2 deskripsi secara holistik (wkakakakakakak),apa coba? :p
ah,....sebetulnya kurang satu lagi.... DOYAN MAKAN, hehehe
masih clueless ron siapa yg bikin ini...siapa?????
and this really does good at its job on profiling urself :)
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