Monday, March 05, 2007

Sexy Weekend

How would I describe my weekend? Well... it’s SEXY!! Yeah, everything about jazz is so abso-fuckin-lutely sexy. Coz there I went last weekend, JAVA JAZZ 2007 where you can sense the sexiness in the air and in everything you see :P

Sabtu itu awalnya saya berangkat ke Jakarta hanya untuk bermain bowling dan membeli sesuatu untuk adik saya. Tapi emang rejeki gak kemana, pas asik-asik cuci mata di Centro tiba-tiba a very dear friend of mine, Sita called "roooon.... Lagi dimana? Feels like going to Java Jazz? Coz I have an invitation for you. Just call me as soon as you arrived at the JCC". Emang enak yah klo punya temen yang bisa sering-sering ngasih gratisan kaya gini, hehehe. I’ll wait for the invitation for next big event by the end of this year, babe!

Awalnya saya hanya datang sendiri, dan kadang-kadang ditemani Sita yang malam itu tampak sangat sibuk mengurusi artis-artisnya. But surprise number two is... my another dearest dearest dearest dearest friend Medalis was also there!! Haven’t seen him in like a month or so. The first word came out of his mouth was, "Nyokap nyariin tuh. Ntar klo lo nginep di rumah lagi, lo harus bawa kemeja, kaos, pakaian dalem dan kaos kaki buat ditinggal. Jadi sewaktu-waktu lo bisa langsung nginep tanpa harus nenteng-nenteng bawaan. Oke?"

Not only Medalis, I also met the-always-looks-gorgeous Bunga, Yudistira and Bayu, and her baby, Putri, Viena yang abangnya is my other dearest pal, Iqbal, and my brother’s ex girlfried, Carolina. Katanya ada satu temen saya lagi yang hadir dan jadi MC di salah satu stage, yaitu Opig. But unfortunately we hadn’t had the chance to meet.

Back to sexy thing! Penampilan Sabtu malam lalu is definitely a world class performance. Ruarrr biasa. Kapan lagi bisa dapet kesempatan ngeliat the Queen of Soul Chaka Khan herself nge-jam bareng Daughters of Soul (yang salah satu personilnya adalah putrinya). Belum lagi Marcus Miller yang betotannya nge-groove abis, Gino Vannelli (katanya salah satu sex symbol-nya Kanada - err... so???), Lisa Ono with her tender voice, great ensamble dari David Benoit, Dave Weckl, Eric Marienthal dkk yang saking ramenya bahkan Yovie Widianto pun harus berdesak-desakan duduk di bawah berbaur dengan penonton lain. Penampilan musisi lokal pun sangat-sangat memuaskan, terutama... apalagi kalo bukan favorit saya.... Maliq & D’Essentials!! *intermezzo: baru beli CD terbaru-nya Maliq, Free Your Mind. Love it!* Setengah jam sebelum mulai, Exhibition Hall A yang gedenya gak ketulungan, ¾-nya sudah disesaki penonton. Dan bener aja... begitu Angga, Indah, Widi, Ifa, Jawa, Satrio dan Amar mulai beraksi dengan penampilan panggung atraktif, penonton kian menggila. Ikut nge-jam adalah sang produser Eq Puradiredja (Eq Humania) dan rapper Dana. Diwarnai dengan balon-balon besar berisi glitter yang dipantul-pantulkan di lautan penonton, itulah katanya penampilan artis lokal yang paling happening di Java Jazz 2006. Saya juga sempat menikmati beberapa lagu dari Parkdrive, Rieka Roeslan dan Titi Dj (hah?? ngapain dia di Java Jazz?) yang juga main malam itu di ruangan berbeda. Semuanya perform pol-polan.

Other sexy thing tentu saja para penonton malam itu... Mata bener-bener bersih deh, soalnya dicuci abis weekend kemaren, hehehe. Jazz is sexy. The vibe, the groove, the atmosphere, the voice, the sound, the artists, and of course the audiences... So sexy that I went home at 03.00 am in a sexy way, bwahahaha...

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Audience get hypnotized by the hyper attractive Maliq n D'Essentials

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Syta and her two chatty petit assistants

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If last year he attended as one of the performing artist, this year Medalis enjoyed himself as an audience

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Sleeping on the puffy rugs inside the cold Exhibition Hall A while listening Marcus Miller sounds like a great idea, right Bunga? Hahaha

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Saya sedang melahap Beef Kebab berukuran jumbo saat melihat sesosok berkerudung yang saya kenal... it's Carolina!

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Lama tak bersua, eh pas ketemu lagi si Putri udah bawa gembolan.

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The girl who always gets EVERYTHING she wants in life and career, girl with huge determination, girl who is also my best pal... Syta!

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Viena, dirimu sekarang nampak kurusan. Good luck with job trainingnya!

note: Sorry ya gambar-gambar performances-nya dikit. Abis dadakan, jadinya ga sempet bawa digicam and cuma ngandelin kamera HP. Thnx to my cell!


dodY said...

hmm.... nonton java jazz kemahalan! hahaha... mending donlot aja di israbox :-)

Penyihir Cantik said...
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Penyihir Cantik said...

I'm happy when u're happy...hwehe..

Ada foto gw! Yayayayayyy!